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Arya Bhatta Journal of Mathematics and Informatics
Year 2014, Volume-6, Issue-2 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0975-7139

Table of contents

Fuzzy modeling of cortisol secretion of job strain due to stress using extended hausdroff distances for Intuitionistic fuzzy sets
P. Senthil Kumar, B. Mohamed Harif

A reliability model on a cement grinding system with failure in its nine components
Ritu Gupta, Dr. Gulshan Taneja

A generalized double ended stochastic queue system with excess customer demand in real world situations
Reeta Bhardwaj, T. P. Singh, Vijay Kumar

A comparative analysis of neural network and decision trees in forecasting
P. Arumugam, V. Christy

Schedule risk analysis and management in software projects using simulation
Nitika Bansal, Dr. Rajesh Garg, Ravikant Jaiswal

Ordering policy for items with variable deterioration under trade credit and time discounting
Dr. Deep Shikha, Dr. Hari Kishan, Megha Rani

Simulator designed for real time embedded system software based on priority scheduling algorithm
Lucky, Dr. Rajesh Garg, Munish Suri

The impact by reliability growth in stress intervention for non-metastatic breast cancer through stochastic model
Dr. P. Senthil Kumar, Ms. N. Umamaheswari

A new approach to solve interval linear assignment problem
Dr. A. Ramesh Kumar, S. Deepa

Availability analysis of two different units system with a standby having imperfect switch over device in banking industry
Surender Kumar, Dr. Pardeep Goel

A stochastic vasicek model for the glucose –Induced glucagon – like peptide 1 secretion is deficient in patients with non - alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Dr. P. Senthil Kumar, D. Sarguna Sundari

Cost analysis of a queue system with impatient customers
T.P. Singh, Arti Tyagi

Comparative analysis of two stochastic models for a base transceiver system considering hardware and software interaction failures
Sunny Kapoor, Rajeev Kumar

Stochastic model to find the effect of gallbladder contraction result using uniform distribution
P. Senthil Kumar, A. Dinesh Kumar, M. Vasuki

Contribution of Ramanujan in modern mathematics
Dr. Pushpander Kadian, Dr. Parvesh Kumar, Mr. Jai Bhagwan

Characteristics of peterson graph in cycle matrix with algebraic graph theory
G. Nirmala, M. Murugan

Stochastic model to find the testosterone therapy on functional capacity in congestive heart failure patients using uniform distribution
Dr. A. Muthaiyan, R. J. Ramesh Kumar

A novel approach of visual cryptography (T,N) scheme with dynamic group
Hemlata, Lalit Himral

Effect on total disk access time using zoned-bit recording technology by placing more frequently used data at outer zone
Er. Sachin Sharma, Er. Silky Miglani, T.P Singh

Transforming 3SAT to Steiner problem in planar graph which is NP-complete
Dr. G. Nirmala, C. Sujatha

Cyclic codes of length 4 pn over GF(q), where q is prime power of the form 4k+1
Sheetal Chawla, Jagbir Singh


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