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Author Guidelines
Authors should carefully read the entire submission guidelines before submitting the manuscript for publication. Authors must ensure that manuscripts are free of grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. These must be thoroughly edited before submission. It is not the responsibility of editors to correct the article grammatically and improve English language of the paper.The manuscripts not prepared according to guidelines may be rejected and not sent for blind review.
Research paper is to be submitted to the Editor
Paper prepared in English in MS word template not exceeding 15 single space pages should be submitted electronically as attachment to the following E-mail: editor@zenithresearch.org.in; submit@zenithresearch.org.in
The submission of a manuscript for review to ZENITH journal means that it is not copyrighted. It has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted elsewhere until the ZENITH journal's review is completed. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) shall sign the formal copyright transfer form
Authors should adopt following guidelines for preparation of the article to be submitted by them:
The first page should mention title of the article and authors details. The title of the article should be bold, centered and typed in capital letters in a 14 point Times New Roman Font.
The author(s) details i.e., full name, designation, name of the organization, city, state, country, e-mail id, alternate e-mail id, contact details i.e. mobile/landline phone numbers, in 11-point Times New Roman should be centered below the title. The author names must not be mentioned in the manuscript.
All manuscripts must be accompanied by a brief abstract.Abstract including key words must not exceed 200 words. It should be in fully justified and italicized text. It should highlight research background, methodology; major finding(s) and conclusion in brief.
Authors must mention 4-7 keywords. Key words should be listed alphabetically, separated by commas, and full stop at the end.
MANUSCRIPT: It should be typed in 12 point-Times New Roman Font in English with a single space and single column with 1" margin on a standard A4 size paper. The text should be fully justified. The research article/paper should preferably not exceed 15 pages in all. The page numbers should be right aligned at bottom of every page. All headings must be bold-faced, aligned left and fully capitalized.
SUB-HEADINGS: The sub-heading must be bold typed, fully capitalized and left aligned. The text matter must be in a 12 point-Times New Roman Font and single spaced.
FIGURES AND TABLES: The titles must be above the table, and Sources of data should be mentioned below the table. Figures and tables should be centered and separately numbered. The authors should make sure that tables and figures are referred to from the main text.
EQUATIONS: All the equations used in research paper/article should be consecutively numbered in parentheses, horizontally centered with equation number placed at the right.
REFERENCES: The authors should list all references alphabetically at end of the paper.
It must be single spaced, and at the end of the manuscript. Each reference should be hanging 0.25" from the left.
References when used in the text, enclose the citation in brackets, using author's surname, followed by comma and the year of publication, and arranged chronologically (Boyd, 1992; Kotler, 2000).
In case authors name is part of the text, only quote the year of publication in brackets. Wong, 1995 reported that?Bhatnagar et al. (2007) found that?..
References for journals, proceedings of conferences, books, website, dissertation should follow the Harvard Referencing System.
The authors are advised to mention only those references actually used in their manuscript.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Acknowledgement of any funding sources, if any should be included.
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