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Journal of Tree Sciences

Publication's web-site
Publisher: Indian Society of Tree Scientists
Print ISSN: 0970-7662
Online ISSN: 2455-7129
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: January and July

Journal of Tree Science is an international scientific journal that publishes results of novel, high impact original research, critical reviews and short communications on any aspect of forestry/agroforestry, environment and related aspects. The journal particularly encourages contributions that demonstrate the role of forestry in providing commodity as well non-commodity benefits such as ecosystem services, livelihood security, environmental amelioration etc. Papers dealing with both biophysical and socioeconomic aspects are welcome. These include results of investigations of a fundamental or applied nature dealing with integrated systems involving trees and crops and/or livestock. Manuscripts that are purely descriptive in nature or confirmatory in nature of well-established findings, and with limited international scope are discouraged. To be acceptable for publication, the information presented must be relevant to a context wider than the specific location where the study was undertaken, and provide new insight or make a significant contribution to the knowledge base.

NAAS rating 2017: 3.51

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