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Aims and Scope

Why is TIDEE published? How is its purpose being fulfilled?

TIDEE (TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment) aims to keep policy-makers, scientists, and technologists abreast of the latest developments in the fields of energy, local and global environment, and sustainable development.

TIDEE incorporates and builds on the strengths of all the abstracts journals TERI has published to date, beginning with Energy Digest (1982 to 1990) and Indian Energy Abstracts (1985 to 1990), which merged to form TIDE (TERI Information Digest on Energy, 1991 to 2001). ASSET (Abstracts of Selected Solar Energy Technology) merged with TIDE in 1999. Whereas these journals covered energy issues, TISGLOW (TERI Information Service on Global Warming, 1990 to 1998) focused on global warming, GER (Global Environmental Review, 1999 to 2001) focused on climate change, and TIMES (TERI Information Monitor on Environmental Science, 1996 to 2001) focused on the environment. In all, up to 2001, we published close to 10 000 abstracts in these journals. TIDEE continues the tradition and consolidates in one journal current information from all over the world on energy, environment, and sustainable development.

To serve the readers of TIDEE, TERI’s Library and Information Centre regularly scans (1) more than 600 periodicals; (2) several hundred other documents such as technical reports, newspapers, patents and standards, government gazettes, conference proceedings, and books; (3) about a dozen abstracting and indexing services; (4) other electronic resources such as CD-ROMs; and (5) the World Wide Web including websites, discussion groups, and mailing lists. Relevant information from all these sources is further scrutinized by subject specialists. The text thus collected and refined is then meticulously copy-edited to international standards and presented in a specially designed user-friendly format.

Each issue of TIDEE contains a few articles, about 250 abstracts, a few newsbriefs and digests of websites, and announcements of conferences, patents, standards, government notifications, and so on.

The project team of TIDEE is guided by a distinguished editorial board chosen to represent conventional and non-conventional energy sources, local and global environmental issues, and broad issues of sustainable development. Besides, the project team is also guided by experts in information science and publishing.

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