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International Symposium on “Latest trends in Immunodiagnosis, Immunopathology and Immunomodulation” & VI Convention of Society for Immunology & Immunopathology, December 22–24, 2013
For more details, please click here.


Past Events


7th Symposium on Fish Immunology, organized by Nordic Society of Fish Immunology (NOFFI), Stirling, Scotland, 17th–23nd June 2006, E-mail:noffi@stir.ac.uk

7th EFIS Tatra Immunology Conference, Molecular determinants of T-cell immunity, June 25–28, 2006, Slovakia, Web:www.img.cas.cz/tatra/index.htm

11th World Congress on Public Health, 21–25 August 2006, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, Web:www.saudecoletiva2006.com.br/

ILDEX India 2006. (International Livestock & Dairy Expo), New Delhi, India, August 27–29, Contact: India: Ashish Kala. Tel: +91 184 309 1510,2242174; Fax: +91 1842240050, E-mail:ashish.kala@pixiepublication.com, Web:www.pixiepublication.com, Other countries: Ms Aticha Khuntong, Tel: +66 2 203 4245; Fax: +66 2 203 4250, Contact:ildex@qsncc.co.th; Web:www.ildex.com

9th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology, Joint Meeting with the Clinical Virology Group of the SGM, 3–6 September 2006, Location : Adrian Boult Hall, Birmingham, UK

Symposium on Aging Research in Immunology: The Impact of Genomics (ARIG 2006), September 4–5, 2006, Location: Coeur Defense Conference Center in Paris, France, Web:www.arig.ac.at, Contact: arig@oeaw.ac.at

XVIII International Poultry, September 4–6, Symposium. Rogow near Koluszki, Poland, Contact: Prof. Ewa Swierczewska. Tel: +48 22593 6558, E-mail:riedel@alpha.sggw.waw.pl

2nd European Veterinary Immunology Workshop, September 4–6, 2006, Paris, France, Web:www.inra.fr/Internet/Projets/eviw/index.php

16th European Congress of Immunology, 1st joint Meeting of European National Societies of Immunology, from 6 to 9 September, 2006. Venue: Paris, France, Web:www.eci-paris2006.com

9th Annual West Hawaii Cancer Symposium, Sep 08–09, 2006, Kona, HI, United States, Daryl Kurozawa, MD, Tel: 808–987-3707, Fax: 808–334-4492, E-Mail:dkuro@aloha.net

12th European Poultry Conference, September 10–14, Veronafiere congress centre, Verona, Italy, Contact: Secretariat of the XII WPSA European Conference. Tel: +39 0512094221; Fax: +39 051251936, E-mail:epc2006@wpsa.it, Web:www.epc2006.wpsa.it

Advances in Feed Evaluation Science, September 11–16, International postgraduate course. Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands. Deadline for registration: 24 August 2006, Contact: International Training Centre WBS Wageningen University and Research Centre, Tel: +31 317484093; Fax: +31–317-426547, E-mail:info.wbs@wur.nl, Web:www.wbs.wur.nl

International Egg Commission Annual Production and Marketing Conference, September 17–21, Hilton Hotel, Guadalajara, Mexico, Contact: Secretary-General, International Egg Commission. Tel: +44 20 7490 3493; Fax: +442074903495, E-mail:julian@internationalegg.com, Web:www.internationalegg.com

Pathogen Interactions with the Immune System, September 21–22, 2006, Stranmillis College, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Web:http://immunology.org/meetings/uig.htm

7th International Congress of Veterinary Virology, 24–26 September, Lisbon, Portugal, Information: Dr Carlos Martins, E-mail:esvv2006@fmv.utl.pt, Web:www.esvv2006.org/

3rd International Conference on Gene Regulation in Lymphocyte Development, September 24–29, 2006, Corfu, Greece, Web:www.aegeanconferences.org/3rdGeneRegulation/mainpage.asp

14th Baltic Poultry, September 27–29, Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania, Contact: Studentu g. 39, Vilnius, Lithuania. Tel/Fax: +370 5275 7095, E-mail:bamlab@vpu.lt

International Training Workshop on welfare standards for the stunning and killing of livestock, September 27–29, Organised by the Humane Slaughter Association, Contact: Humane Slaughter Association. Tel: +441582831919, E-mail:info@hsa.org.uk

VIV China 2006, Beijing, September 27–29, P.R. China, Contact: VNU Exhibitions Europe B.V. Tel: +31302952772; Fax: +31302952809, E-mail:vivo_china@vnuexhibitions.com; Web:www.viv.net

5th Meeting of the European Mucosal Immunology Group, October 5–7, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, Web:http://www.congressprague.cz/en/kongresy/european-mucosal-imunology-meeting-2006.html

International Congress of Immunogenomics and Immunomics, A joint meeting of the 2nd Basic and Clinical Immunogenomics and 3rd Immunoinformatics (Immunomics) Conferences, October 8–12, 2006, Budapest, Hungary, Zoltan Prohaszka, Tel: 361–212-9351; Fax: 361–212-9351, E-Mail:prohoz@kut.sote.hu, Web:www.bcii2006.org

Poultry Farming 2006, October 17–19, 28th international conference, business meeting and exhibition. Varna, Bulgaria, Contact: Bulgarian Poultry Union. Tel/fax: +352 2 931 09 58, E-mail:galus@mb.bia-bg.com, Web:www.bpu-bg.org

16thExpoaviga, October 17–20, Gran Via 2 exhibition complex, Barcelona, Spain, Contact: Fira Barcelona. Tel: +34 655 98 53 56; Fax: +349323321 77, E-mail:agurri.premsa@jirabcn.es, Web:www.expoaviga.com

27th IDF World Dairy Congress, 20–23 October, Shanghai, China, Web:www.idf2006shcn.com

1st Mediterranean Workshop on Clinical Immunology, October 26–29, 2006, Evora, Portugal, Web:http://www.igc.gulbenkian.pt/courses/mwci/

4th World Mycotoxin Forum, November 6–7:, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, Contact: Bastiaanse Communication. Tel: +31302294247; Fax: +31302252910, E-mail:WMF@bastiaanse-communication.com, Web:www.bastiaanse-communication.com

5th International Congress on Autoimmunity, November 29–December 03, 2006, Sorento, Italy, Web:http://www.kenes.com/autoim2006/


International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance, 23–25 February, 2007, Vienna, Austria, Web:http://imed.isid.org

II International Seminar on Animal Health, SISA 2007, 7–9 March, San José de las Lajas, La Habana, Cuba, ara Martínez Marrero, Scientific Secretary, E-mail:siomara@censa.edu.cu

International Brucellosis Research Conference for 2007, Castle Hotel, Windsor, United Kingdom, 5th–7th November 2007

8th International Veterinary Immunology Symposium (8th IVIS), Aug. 5–10, 2007, Sao Paulo Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, Web:www.eventus.com.br/8ivis/

Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (AITVM) International Conference, Aug. 1, 2007, Montpellier, France 34398, Web:www.aitvm.org


20th IPVS International Pig Veterinary Society, Jan. 1, 2008, Durban, South Africa, Web:www.ipvs.de


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