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New and Events ISRM Sponsored Forthcoming Events 28-30 May 2012, Stockholm, Sweden - EUROCK’2012 – Rock Engineering and Technology: the 2012 ISRM International Symposium. 8-10 August 2012, San Jose, Costa Rica - II ISSER – South American Symposium on Rock Excavations: an ISRM Regional Symposium. 15-19 October 2012, Seoul, Korea - the 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium: an ISRM Regional Symposium. 21-26 September 2013, Wroclaw, Poland - EUROCK’ 2013 - Application of Rock Mechanics to Civil and Mining Engineering: an ISRM Regional Symposium. 20-22 May 2013, Brisbane, Australia - Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing: an ISRM Specialized Conference 20-22 August 2013, Sendai, Japan, The 6th International Symposium on in situ Rock Stress: an ISRM Specialized Conference. 26-28 May 2014, Vigo, Spain - EUROCK’ 2014 - Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses: an ISRM Regional Symposium. 29 April-6 May 2015, Montréal, Canada -Innovations in Applied and Theoretical Rock Mechanics: the 13th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics.
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