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Ethics & Malpractice Statement

Our publication ethics and malpractice statement are based on the guidelines for journal editors developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). All possible steps are taken to uphold the highest standards of publication ethics and to prevent malpractices. Authors, learned referee, editorial members all play role in the maintenance of ethics and malpractice.

Duties & Responsibilities of Authors

Manuscripts submitted to the Indian Journal of Veterinary Research (IJVR) are evaluated entirely on the basis of their scientific content and its merit. The publication charges proposed are shown under the authors guidelines. Only original, unpublished and without simultaneous consideration of paper is considered. Neither the institution nor gender, race, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors have any influence. With the awareness of plagiarism, authors need to look that the paper is not copied or plagiarized and the work of other authors is adequately referenced. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently would constitute unethical practice and would be unacceptable. Authors are required to ensure that the submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere, and if the authors have used the work of others the same has been appropriately cited or quoted. Applicable copyright laws and conventions are required to be followed. Copyright materials should be reproduced only with permission and due acknowledgement. Proper acknowledgement of the work of others must always be made. Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the paper which is submitted for publication. The corresponding author is required to ensure that all co-authors are included in the paper, and that the co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication. All sources of financial support should also be acknowledged. Similarly, those who indirectly helped authors in the improvement of papers should be acknowledged. Upon discovery of any significant error in the published work, it is the responsibility of the authors to promptly notify the editors so as to enable the journal to publish corrigendum.

Duties and responsibilities of Editors

The editors is to take a decision to accept or reject the articles. The Chief Editor may consult experts in arriving at its decisions. The journal follows a policy of fair play in its editorial evaluation. The editors are expected to exercise caution and ensure that they have no conflict of interest with respect to the articles they accept or reject. The editors and the editorial staff follow strict confidentiality and they are required not to divulge any information of submitted manuscript to any one other than the corresponding author, reviewers and the publisher.

Duties & Responsibilities of Reviewers

Editorial decisions are based on peer review. The reviewers are expected to be possess very good knowledge in the subject matter of review. They maintain absolute confidentiality with regard to manuscripts. The reviews are to be conducted objectively and the referees are expected to express their views clearly with logical reasons without personal bias. There should not be conflict of interest with the research reported in the paper. The information through peer review is of a privileged nature and must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Fraudulent and knowingly made inaccurate statements constitutes unethical behaviour and it would be unacceptable.

Peer Review Statement

All published articles in Journal have undergo peer review processes based on initial editor screening. The important purpose of peer review is to maintain the originality and quality of research work and to reject poor quality and plagiarized articles. Peer review assures research quality.

Paper Publication Process-

  • The Author writes a research manuscript and submits it.
  • The Editor does the initial screening on its suitability and forwards it to the Reviewers
  • Reviewers review the manuscript according to the guidelines provided and verify the quality of research.
  • The article is returned to the Editor along with a recommendation to either reject the article, revise it or accept it.
  • The Editor communicates a decision to be sent to the Author.
  • The article is returned to the author along with the reviewer's feedback
  • The Editor receives the updated article and send it to Publisher after making a final editing of the manuscript.

Peer Review Policy

The practice of peer review is to ensure that that information published in research papers add to the existing knowledge. Therefore, the manuscripts submitted are reviewed by relevant expert reviewers of the related area.

Initial Manuscript Evaluation

The Editors first evaluate all manuscripts. First of all the acknowledgement is sent to the authors immediately on receipt of the manuscript. The manuscripts are rejected if they fall outside the aims and scope of the journal.

Type of Peer Review

The Indian Journal of Veterinary Research employs single blind review, where the reviewer remains anonymous to the authors throughout the process. The reviewer is selected on the basis of subject matter of the manuscript. The duties and responsibilities of reviewers are mentioned under ethics and malpractice statemnt.

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