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Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

Prof. (Dr.) Lancy D'souza,
Dept of Psychology, (Maharaja College),
Mysore University, India

Associate Editors

Prof. Dr. Mohd Dahlan Hj A. Malek,
University of Malaysia,
Sabah, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. N.K. Chadha,
Professor and Head,
Department of Psychology,
University of Delhi,

Dr. Rajesh Kana,
Asst. Professor,
Civitan International Research Center,

Dr. Ayatollah Karimi,
The Holy Prophet Higher Education Complex,

Board Members

Dr. Asghar Aghaee, Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University Khoorasgan, Branch, Iran.

Dr. A M. Wertheim, Psychologist, California, USA

Prof. G. Venkatesh Kumar, Department of Psychology,Mysore University, India

Dr. Armin Mahmoodi, Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University Yasooj, Branch, Iran.

Dr. Mohammad Hosein Yarmohamadian, Assistant Professor, University of Esfahan, Iran.

Dr. M. H Mrazik, Psychologist, Toronto, Canada

Dr. Neel Konwar, Psychologist, Guwahati-Assam

Dr. Pandian, S, Thirumoorthy, NIMHANS, Karnataka, India

Dr. Manoj kr. Sharma, NIMHANS, Karnataka, India

Dr. P.N. Venugopal, An S I, Mysore India

Dr. Neena-Kohli , Reader, Department of Psychology, University of Allahabad, India

Dr. Seyed Ataollah Eftekhari, Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University Yasooj, Branch, Iran.

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