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Aims and Scope

The Horticulture Society of India was founded in January 1942 registered on 6th November 1951 under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. Rules and constitution as revised in 1956 and later on 30th August 2003.

The aims and objectives of the Society are

  • To cultivate and promote research, education and development of Horticulture and allied branches of science.

  • To recognize and support excellence achieved in scientific research and development in the field of Horticulture by individual scientists, inter-disciplinary teams, recognized institutions, learned societies and industry.

  • To promote contact and co-operation among R & D personnel working in different institutions and areas (including growers and industry).

  • To regularly bring out the Indian Journal of Horticulture and any other publication decided by the Society.

  • To disseminate knowledge on all Horticultural crops and their different aspects by holding seminars, symposia, conferences, discussions etc. and publishing their proceedings.

  • To secure and manage funds and endowments for the promotion of Horticulture in all its aspects.

  • To undertake other activities relevant to accomplish the above objectives.

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