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Aims and Scope
The aims and objectives of the Institute are
To find out the truth of Human Life through conducting researches on various aspects of Human Species in India, Asia and world.
To impart education to children and youth (normal, disabled and orphans) through new ways, methods and models developed by the Institute itself for making them a better citizen and for bringing revolutionary change in the society of mankind.
To promote collaborative scientific research programmes in Asian continent related with social, cultural, biological, developmental archaeological, palaeontological and environmental aspects of Human beings.
To promote exchange and diffusion of informative ideas of "Human Science" Anthropology.
To provide a forum for discussion on Human Science, research and development in India and Asia through seminar, symposia, workshop and conference etc.
To collect, compile and publish materials pertaining to the science, technology & development and researches on mankind.
To bring science together with society, human technology together with nature, & Man together with other animals.
To run community development and participatory programmes by establishing Schools, Libraries, Career counseling centers, orphan homes, creches etc.
To launch awareness programmes on literacy, population control, pollution control, environmental balance, saving of conventional and non-conventional energy sources optimum use of solar and bio-mass energies, national integration, social solidarity, global harmony, fraternity and cooperation, human rights, eradication of social evils, moral, ethical and character building, intellectual development and eradication of epidemics, AIDS etc.
To help and coordinate in implementation of Government and Foreign Agency Schemes and Plans pertaining to development science and technology, social forestry, health care and Family Welfare, Maternal and Child health and nutrition, community health, water supply, sanitation and hygiene, welfare of scheduled tribe, scheduled caste, backward and deprived people and to secure and manage funds and other financial resources for the promotion ofthe cause ofthe Institute and its objectives.
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