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Submit your Paper/Thesis/Dissertation here


All papers must be submitted electronically (by E-mail, floppy, magneto-optical disk, zip drive, tape drive or CD) and must be accompanied by a hard copy along with photographs (if any) along with a signed statement, which must state the following.

"I hereby submit that the paper/dissertation entitled [name of the paper/dissertation here] has been written by me along with [number of photographs here] photographs. This paper/dissertation is my original work and has not been published anywhere else, either electronically or in print. The views expressed in this paper/dissertation are entirely my own. I have agreed for this paper/dissertation to be hosted at Professor Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology".

All manuscripts should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Ann Intern Med 1997;126:36-47). We can provide help and support if needed: Guideline Support

All manuscripts must be accompanied by a separate sheet detailing these two columns:

  1. What is already known on this topic?

  2. What this study adds?

For further guidance, you may want to visit the paper by Masahiko Kobayashi entitled "Why does rigor mortis progress downwards?" appearing in Vol. 3, No. 2 (July - December 2002). To visit the paper, please click here.

Procedure for selection of Papers

There is no guarantee that every paper submitted will be hosted on the net. All the papers received would be sent to a senior advisory board of Editors, comprising of eminent forensic experts from several nations. The identity of the author would be kept secret. When a majority of Board Members have passed the paper, the paper would be put on the net. The service is absolutely free of charge, and is provided only for the furtherance of the discipline of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Please allow about one to two months from the date of submission of papers till the hosting on the net.

The hard printed copy of the paper/dissertation, the photographs and the signed statement must be sent at the following address.

Professor Anil Aggrawal
Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
S-299 Greater Kailash-1
New Delhi-110048

Please send photographs, charts, diagrams etc in original at the journal address.

Procedure for selection of Thesis and Dissertations

Essentially the procedure for selection of thesis and dissertations is the same as that for papers. The thesis may be submitted electronically first. If found suitable, you would be informed accordingly by E-mail. You would then be required to send the actual thesis along with all photographs, charts, diagrams etc to the journal address, along with a signed declaration as above. The thesis would become the property of the journal. It would be hosted on the net about a month or so after its receipt.

Please send photographs, charts, diagrams etc in original at the journal address.

How these papers and dissertations will be quoted by your peers

These papers can be quoted by you and your peers in their own papers, monographs, chapters, books or encyclopaedias. You can even mention these papers in your CVs. The papers are rigorously scrutinized as in any other journal and thus they have the same validity as any other paper in a traditionally printed journal. To see how the papers are quoted, you may want to visit some papers in the journal.

Dissertations would be cited similarly. Visit theses and dissertations in this journal to see how they are being quoted.

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