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Please note Online Article Submission is mandatory on www.ijour.net; Here is the Procedure of manuscript submission



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Please read the author guidelines prior the submission of the article as article needs to be strictly as per the author guidelines of the journal.


Please note the review time period is not fixed, it may vary from journal to journal approximately 4-8 weeks. There are no charges for article submission from our side. If there will be any publication charges from the society of the journal that information will be either mentioned in author guidelines of the journal or will be provided by the Editor/ Society of the journal. Membership charges & details and Publication time details will also be provided by Editor/ Society of the journal.


For the status and publication charges query, please correspond with the Editor or concerned person of the journal. Kindly go though the article submission acknowledgement mail, email id of Editor will be mentioned in the bottom of it.


For any query regarding the manuscript submission, please feel free to contact us on: info@ijour.net



Thanks and Regards




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