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Editorial Board

Dr Jagdish Arora
    Director, INFLIBNET, India

Prof. José Luis Borbinha
    INESC-ID/IST, Information Systems Group
    Lisbon Technical University, Portugal

Prof. Daniel Chandran, PhD
    Faculty of Information Technology
    University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Prof. Ching-chih Chen, PhD
    Graduate School of Library and Information Science
    Simmons College, USA

Prof. Gobinda Chowdhury, PhD
    Director, Information & Knowledge Management
    University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Prof. J N Gautam
    Pro Vice-Chancellor, Jiwaji University, Gwalior
    Madhya Pradesh

Dr P R Goswami
    Director, Central Secretariat Library
    Ministry of Culture, Government of India, India

Prof. Alan Hopkinson
    Head of Library Systems, Learning Resources
    The Sheppard Library, Middlesex University, UK

Prof. Ee-Peng Lim, PhD
    School of Information Systems
    Singapore Management University, Singapore

Prof. Gary Marchionini
    School of Information and Library Science
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Dr Usha Mujoo-Munshi
    Indian Institute of Public Administration, India

Prof. Dr Erich J Neuhold
    Professor, Computer Science, University of Vienna

Prof. Paul Nieuwenhuysen
    Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Mr John Paschoud
    Information Systems Engineer of the Library
    London School of Economics, UK

Dr A R D Prasad
    Documentation Research & Training Centre
    Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore, India

Dr Ratna Sanyal
    Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology

Dr V N Shukla
    Director (Application), CDAC, Noida, India

Prof. Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg, PhD
    Dept. of Computer and Information Science
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Dr M G Sreekumar
    Librarian, Indian Institute of Management
    Kozhikode, Kerala

Prof. Shigeo Sugimoto
    University of Library and Information Science

Prof. P Tapio Varis PhD
    Acting President, Global University System
    Professor and Chair of Media Education
    University of Tampere, Finland

Prof. Shalini R Urs, PhD
    Executive Director
    International School of Information Management
    University of Mysore, Mysore, India

Prof. Ian H Witten
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Waikato, New Zealand

Debal Chandra Kar
    Librarian, Ambedkar University, New Delhi, India



Associate Editor

Assistant Editor

Prof. Michael Seadle

Partha Kalyan Bhattacharya

Yogita Ahuja, Nihal Alam

Hemambika Varma

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