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Guidelines for Contributors and Subscribers

Articles submitted for publication should be between 3000 and 5,000 words (or between 10 and 15 pages if typed in double space, only on one side of the paper.) However, all papers should be written as concisely as possible. Papers which in the opinion of the editors, can be shortened without sacrifice of clarity of scientific content will be referred back to the author for modification and Improvement. Exceptionally long papers will be considered if they are of great academic importance.

Contributions should be arranged in the following order:

  1. Title, authors, affiliation and full addresses including fax number and e-mail addresses.

  2. 50-100 word abstract outlining the purpose, scope and conclusion of the paper and keywords.

  3. The text should be systematically divided under headings.

  4. Acknowledgment (if any).

  5. References incorporated in the text should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the text and taken in the following form:

    Book: Shafi, M. (2000), Agricultural Geography in South Asia, MacMillan, India.

    Articles in books: Munir, A. (1992), Agricultural Productivity and Regional Development, In: Anthropognic Dimensions in Agriculture, Mohammad, N. (ed.), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 85-102.

    Articles in Journals : Siddiqui F.A. (2004), Educational Development and Structure of Employment in Westren Uttar Pradesh, Population Geography,Vol.26,No. l&2,pp. 25-38.

  6. Tables (each on a separate sheet) should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper referring to them in the text as Table 1, Table 2 etc. All tables should have captions at the top and source at the bottom.

Illustrations (each on a separate sheet) should be numbered consecutively through out the paper as Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc., with a caption at the top and source at the bottom. Art work/maps/illustration for publications are photographically reproduced, so clearly drawn figures are required for quick processing of the article. Two copies of the manuscript are required. The journal encourages submission of articles on CD. The electronic version on the CD and hard copy must match exactly.

The Geographer will furnish one copy of the journal free to the author. Reprints of the articles, if required, will be charged to the author, on order of less than 15 reprints (cost \ 250/-, US $ 30, ?15) will not be entertained.

The price of each issue of 'The Geographer' is " .300/-for India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangaladesh, and US $ 50 for other countries. The price does not include registered postage and airmail charges. Postal charges will be sent separately to the Chief Editor along with subscription charges. The price of back issues will also be the same. A10% discount is allowed to libraries and educational institutions and 15% discount to booksellers and book agents. All cheques, bank draft etc. should be made payable to:

The Finance Officer, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and should be sent to the Chief Editor 'The Geographer'. Payment should in no case be made in the name of 'The Geographer' or Chairman, Department of Geography.

All Correspondence Should be Addressed to:
The Chief Editor, The Geographer, Department of Geogrpahy, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202 002
(U.P.), India. e-mail: thegeographeramu@gmail.com
Ph. No. 0571-2700683, Fax No. 0091-571-2700528

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