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Guidelines for Contributors/Authors

The research papers must include clear indications of the purpose of research, methodology, major results, implications and key references. The papers submitted for review should include

  1. Authorization Letter: All research papers submitted will be the property of Mangalmay Group of Institutions and subjected to blind review. Manuscript should be sent along with authorized letter in favour of the editor that it may be published after necessary editing.

  2. Declaration: Papers should be accompanied by a declaration that the material is original, has not been published elsewhere in part or full and the same has not been submitted for publication in anyother book orjournal or elsewhere.

  3. Cover Page: Manuscript of a paper should have a cover page which should contain Title of Paper, Author(s) Qualification and designation, Mailing Address, Phone and Fax Number and E-mail Addresses. Details about the author should not appear elsewhere in the manuscript.

  4. Abstract: Each paper should be preceded by an abstract of about 100-150 words.

  5. Transcript: The maximum length of transcript is 6000 words excluding title / cover page and reference. The manuscript must be typed on standard A-4 size paper, in 12 point font size and 1.5 lines spacing throughout.

  6. Footnotes: All footnotes in the text should be numbered consecutively in plain Arabic superscripts. All the footnotes, if any, should be typed under the heading “Footnotes” at the end of the paper immediately after 'Conclusion'.

  7. Table and figures: Tables / Figures should be numbered consecutively and inserted into the document in the preferred location.

  8. References: References should include full details of the name(s) of the author(s), title of the article or book, name of the journal details of the publishers, year and month of publication and individual page number as shown below:

    1. Burell, G., & Morgan, G. 1979. “Sociological Paradigms and organization Analysis”. Heinemann Educational Books, London.

    2. Moe, E.C. 1994. “The Reinventing Government Exercises: Misinterpreting the problem, Misjudging the Consequences”. Public Administration Review, 54(2), pp 111-122.

    3. Sandee, H. 1995. “Innovation in Production.” Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Amsterdam, Fee University.

Two hard copies and one soft copy through e-mail (journal@mangalmay.org / sudhadhawan@rediffmail.com) of the paper must be submitted latest by 30th Sep. 2010. All papers accepted by the editorial board will be published in “Mangalmay Journal of Management & Technology”, MIMT, Greater Noida, reserves the right to all published papers. Contributors will receive a complementary copy of the issue of “Mangalmay Journal of Management & Technology”, in which their research papers are published. All correspondence will be held with the senior (first) author only. With out declaration, no paper will be considered for publication. Papers, manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be addressed to:


   Mangalmay Journal of Management & Technology
   8 & 9 Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida
   Ph: 0120-2320400, 2320401, 2320680
   Mobile: 9810425774
   E-mail: journal@mangalmay.org
   Web Site: www.mangalmay.org


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