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Guidelines for Authors

  1. Papers containing original information in the field of life Sciences, preferably with an ecological bias, would be accepted for publication in GEOBIOS.

  2. Manuscripts should be written in English. They should be type-written in double space leaving enough margin and submitted in duplicate.

  3. Papers sould be original, clear and concise. They should fall in any of the two categories :(i) full communications, not exceeding ten pages of typescript; and (ii) brief communications, not exceeding three pages of the typescript; including illustrations and tables. The papers meant for category (i) only should be divided in main headings: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. The paper. Both the categories of paper must be headed by the author's name and the address below the main title.

  4. The list of references should include only publications cited in the text. They should be arranged alphabetically and the following examples be followed.
    For Full Communications:

    • Myles, W.S. and Ducker, A.J. The role of sympathetic nervous system during exposure to altitude in rats. Int. J.Biometeor., 1973,17,51-68

    • Meidner, H. and Mansifield, T.Physiology of Stomata. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968.

    For Brief Communications:
    • Bennet Clark, T.A. New Phytol., 1933,32,37-42

  5. Papers should be carefully revised by the authors and should be in the final form for printing. They are accepted for publication upon advise received from referees.

  6. Illustrations should be kept minimum in number and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (e.g Fig. 1, etc.). Photographs should be on glossy paper with high contrast. Legends for figures should be listed consecutively on a separate sheet of paper.

  7. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. Tables should be numbered consecutively and attached at the end of the text.

  8. Proofs under normal circumstances will not be sent to the authors. This is only to expedite publication.

  9. Free reprints are not allowed. Minimum number of reprints is 100 which can be had on prior payment, provided they are ordered at the time when the information with regard to the acceptance of the paper is given to the author(s).

  10. All correspondence should be done on the following address.
    James Washington (Executive Editor)
    Anjali Washington (Executive Editor)
    Zion, House No.:11, Sector-23, Gurgaon-122015

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