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Author Guidelines

The journal of Advances in Life Sciences is essentially devoted to the publication of original research paperson allaspects of biosciences. All papers and short communication submitted to must be unpublished original works. The manuscripts in English should bein a finished form and typed on oneside of A4 sizepaper and double spaced throughout with ample margins. Pages should be numbered consecutively beginning from the title page. Text in any format (tables and figure included or separately) on CD in MS word with two hard copies or sent through email to ss_ali@rediffmail.com as attached file (s) is preferred since it saves retyping.

Research Papers: Each full length of research papers should be covered within 1500 words including tables and illustrations. Short communication should be within 175 words including tables, figures and references, in case of exceeding the limit, payment has to be made for extra materials by the authors. Correct language is the responsibility of the author. No editing or materials changes at the proof stage will be permitted. While short communication will have only title, authors name, address and e-mail followed by text and references. In case of full length paper authors should have the following headings.

Title : The title to be typed in capital and small letters, author names (all capital) and affiliation (capital and small letters with italics fonts). Give e-mail address in italic fonts also. Manuscript must confirm to the journal style (see latest issue)

ABSTRACT The abstract should indicate the main findings of the papers and typed in bold, single space. It should be not more than 150 words. The abstract should be typed before the main text and intended ca. 2cm to the right of it.

Key words : 5-6 key words in italics should be given.

Tables and figures Table should be descriptive without and references to the text with heading in bold letters. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet. Figures whether line drawing or graph should be of good quality. Legends to figures should be given on a separate sheet. Tables and figures should be numbered consequently in Arabic numerals (Table 1., Table 2., Fig.1., Fig.2.- 3) can be identified on the back by name (s) of the author(s).

Introduction This should be brief and related to aim of the study. The review of the literature should be pertinent to the theme of the paper. Extensive review and unnecessary details of earlier work should be avoided. Heading “introduction” should not be written.

MATERIALSAND METHODS :When methods are well known, citation of the standard work is sufficient. All measurement should be in metric units.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : The result should be supported by brief and adequate tables, graphs and charts, wherever needed.

LITERATURE CITED : In the text, references should be cited as follows: two authors (Ali, and Pervez, 2005), three or more authors (Gaugler, et al., 2001). All references made in the text must be listed under LITERATURE CITED at the end of the text. References should be listed alphabetically by the authors, followed by the year of the publication. Journal titles should be cited in full and in italics, while for books the place of the publication should precede the name of the publisher, Example Strong, D.R. 2002. Population of entomopathogenic nematodes in food webs. In: Entomopathogenic Nematology, (ed.Randy Gaugler) CAB International, ix+ 387. pp. 225-240.

Fox, P.C. and Atkinson, H.J. 1984. Glucose phosphate isomerase polymorphism in field population of the potato cyst nematode, Globedera rostochiensis and G. pallida. Annals of Applied Biology, 104(1):503-506.

Submission of manuscript : Duplicate copy of manuscript along with soft copy (CD) should be submitted to the Editor in Chief, Advances in Life Sciences Dr.S.S. Ali, H-1312, VIP Lane, Satyam Vihar, Avas Vikas No. 1, Kalyanpur, Kanpur 208018,India. The text may sent through e-mail to ss_ali@rediffmail.com. Payment must be made through Demand Draft/e-banking payable to State Bank of India, Kalyanpur Branch, (Branch code 01962, IFSC : SBIN0001962) Kanpur, U.P. India, in favour of account of “Dheerpura Society for Advacement of Science & Rural Development (Account number 31575856239) along with manuscript and send to Dr. S. S. Ali, Editor in Chief.

Copyright : copyright © of all papers published in Advances in Life Sciences, acceptance of manuscript for Advances in Life Sciences, automatically transfers the copyright to the use of trade name or a propriety product does not constitute a guarantee of the product by the author (s) or the society and does not simply its approval to the exclusion of the products that may be suitable.

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