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Guidelines For Author

Submission and preparation of manuscript: Author are requested to submit the manuscript through E-mail: jpaajmer@gmail.com in a format that is compatible with MS word 2007 or latest version. The manuscript should be submitted to The General Secretary, Social Welfare and Integrated Development Society, 316/A, Christian Ganj, Near Apsara Menssion, Ajmer-305 001, Rajasthan, India. Each full-length article should not exceed 10 printed pages, i.e. 5000 words, including figures, tables and list of references. Short communication should be restricted to about 6 printed pages, i.e. 3000 words. When preparing article, use only Times New Roman (12 point font) typed in double space and in A4 size. Short communications will have only title, author's name, address with Email of corresponding author, followed by text, SUMMERY and REFERENCES.

Full length paper should be suitably divided into following main headings typed in capital letters in the centre of the page: ABSTRACT, Key words, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and REFERENCES. Tables and figures should be given separately at the end.

Title: It should be short, specific and informative. The title page should include the names of author (s), affiliation, mailing address and e-mail of corresponding author, a running short title not exceeding 40 characters. By-line should contain the place (organization) where research was conducted.

ABSTRACT: Bold Forms, Written in complete and simple sentence should not be more than 200 words. Key words (maximum-7) must be given, and these should appear just beneath the abstract.

INTRODUCTION: Beginning with a new page, it should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem/ objectives and aims of the experiments with brief review of literature pertaining to the type of work.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Relevant details should be given including experimental design and the technique (s) used along with appropriate statistical methods used clearly along with the year of experimentation (field and laboratory).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It should include important findings discussed briefly. Wherever necessary, elaborate on the tables and figures without repeating their contents. Interpret the findings in view of the results obtained in this and in past studies on this topic. State the conclusions in a few sentences at the end of the paper.

REFERENCES: References should be referred by a number in the text, listed according to this numbering at the end of the paper. Unpublished data should not be cited in the references. The references should comprise the following information and in the order as given in the examples below:

Research article: Vedivel S and Ebenezar EG 2006. Eco-friendly management of leaf blight of tomato caused by Alternaria solani. J Mycol Pl. Pathol 36 (1): 79-80.

Proceedings/Seminar/Conference papers: Estruch, J., Warren, G.W., Mullins, M.A., Nye, G.J. Craig, J.A. & Joziel, H.G. 1996.

Transgenic: Plants: An emerging approach to pest control. In: Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 1995, USA, 93: 5369-5395.

Book and chapters: 3. Sarbhog AK, Varshnvey JL and Agrwal DK. 1996. Fungi of India. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi 350 P.

Note: At least one reference should be given from the article published in the Journal of Progressive Agriculture.

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