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Instruction to Authors

Four numbers of the Journal are published every year, in January, April, July and October. The contributions for publication should be sent to the Editor.

1. Original Papers Only

Submission of a manuscript to this journal represents a certification on the part of the author(s) that it is original work, and that neither this manuscript nor a version of it has been published elsewhere nor is being considered for publication elsewhere.


  • Since this is an international journal, it is important that authors provide a broad context for their papers.
  • In the context of intergenerational initiatives, authors are encouraged to address implications for practice, policy, and /or research.
  • To help provide content balance authors are encouraged to identify the primary emphasis of their article (research, practice or policy).

Practice Based Papers

  • Provide a rationale for why the described program is important (describe the social issues addressed by the program).
  • Describe the goals, participants, location, benefits, and lessons learned.
  • Explain the cultural assumptions and values underlying the described program.
  • Extend beyond a simple program description to include its relevance to other locales.
  • Briefly describe the policy framework that drives the program.
  • Discuss the implications for other practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.

Research-Based Papers

  • Include relevant literature, research question(s), methodology, and results.
  • Discuss implications for practice, policy and further research in an emerging multidisciplinary field of study.
  • Include conceptual, theoretical and /or empirical content.

Policy-Based Papers

  • Describe the policy and social issues addressed.
  • Provide background on cultural assumptions and values underlying the article.
  • Discuss implications for inquiry and practice.

2. Manuscript Length

Your manuscript maybe approximately 15-20 pages double-spaced (approximately 5000 words excluding references and abstract).Lengthier manuscripts may be considered at the discretion of the editor .Sometimes, lengthier manuscripts may be consider if they can be divided up into sections for publications in successive journal issues.

3. Manuscript Style

References, citations, and general style of manuscripts for this journal should follow the following style:

Zelenik, J. (2003): Normative ageing of respiratory system. Clin Geriatr Med, 19, 1-18. References should be double spaced and placed in alphabetical order.

Manuscript Preparation

Margins: leave at least a one inch margin on all four sides.

Paper: use clean white 8-1/2" * 11" bond paper.

Number of copies: 2 Cover page: Important - indicating the article title, plus:

  • An introductory footnote with author's academic degrees, professional titles, affiliations, mailing address and any desired acknowledgement of research support or other credit. Second “title page”: enclose an additional title page .Include the title again, plus:
  • An abstract of about 250-300 words. (Below the abstract provide 3-5 key words for bibliographic access, indexing and abstracting purposes).

From The Field Papers

In addition to peer-reviewed papers, we are seeking the following contributions for review by an IJG Board committee:

Profiles: (900-1500 words) single-spaced descriptions of innovative cutting-edge programs including information on: goals, participants, activities, benefits, lessons learned, other unique features and contact information.

Book And Media Reviews: (900-1500 Words) publishers and distributers, and authors may submit books, videos, etc. for review to our editors. The subject matter must be related to gerontology. Books and media in any language will be reviewed in English. The review should include a summary of the content and its relevance for publication in IJG.

5. Spelling, Grammar, and Puntuation

You are responsible for preparing manuscript copy which is clearly written in acceptable English and which contains no errors of spelling, grammar or punctuation. Neither the editor nor the publishers are responsible for correcting errors. Check the accuracy of all the arithmetic calculations, statistics, numerical data,text citations and references. INCONSISTENCIES MUST BE AVOIDED.

6. Preparation Of Tables, Figures, and Illustrations.

All tables, figures, illustrations, etc., must be “camera ready”. That is, they must be clearly typed, or artistically prepared so that they can be used either exactly as they are or else used after a photographic reduction in size. Figures, tables and illustrations must be prepared on separate sheets of paper. Always use black ink and professional drawing instruments. On the back of these items , write your articles and the journal title lightly in pencil, so they do not get misplaced. (please do not write on face of art). Photographs are considered part of the acceptable manuscript and remain with IJG for use in additional printings.

7. Alterations Required By Referees and Reviewers

Many times a paper is accepted by the Editor contingent upon changes that are made by anonymous specialist referees and members of the editorial board. If the editor returns your manuscript for revisions, you are responsible for retyping any sections of the paper to incorporate these revisions( revisions should also be put on disk).

8. Electronic Media

Please send your manuscript to the journal editor in print format (“hard copy”) and electronically (on floppy diskette, or as an RTF or Word e-mail attachment) for his/her final review and approval. On the outside of the diskette page write:

  1. The title of your article
  2. File name
  3. Please email all submission (s) to the following email address-gerontoindia@gmail.com

For more direct information concerning your proposed submission please visit our website www.gerontologyindia.com or email Dr K.L. Sharma at gerontoindia@gmail.com

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