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Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia is a peer reviewed journal and an official publication of Innovative Publications. The journal publishes papers, original research articles, editorials on Preventive Medicine, Community Health, Health Management, Health Statistics, Biostatics, Nutrition, Epidemiology and Health Services Research. All correspondence to the Journal be made to the Chief Editor, The Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia (IJCA).

The manuscript in Vancouver style should be sent to the Chief Editor, which is accepted being understood as that they or their essential substance or any component have not been published elsewhere. The authors have to certify this along with their papers while submitting for publication. All controversies related to any article are responsibilities of the author(s) and not of any Editorial Member of IJCA or Innovative Publication. The editors have reserved the final right to accept / reject/ modify the paper. The articles, not more than 6 pages (3500 to 4000 words excluding abstract, references, tables and figures), typed in double space on one side with a covering page giving details of the names of author(s), corresponding address, Email Address, Telephone/ Mobile Number and Running title for blind processing, should be sent on Windows or MS Office format or by Email to the Editorial Secretary for processing (ramakantmishra1952@gmail.com) with a letter addressing the Chief Editor

The article(s) must have Abstract (not more than 150 words), Key words (3-10), Short title of the article, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results & Discussion and References (preferably not more than 10) numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. The short title and the key words should be selected according to the norms used in Index Medicus. Acceptance will be sent on mail only. Papers not in IJCA Format will be out rightly rejected. The criteria of reference should be given as bellow:

1. Mohapatra SC, Mohapatra P, Singh IJ, Gaur SD. Epidemiology of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract diseases in rural area of Varanasi (India), European J. Epidemiology, 1989, 5 (1) : 117-122.

The all payment has to be made by a Cheque/ Bank Draft / on line transfer in the name of “INNOVATIVE PUBLICATION”, payable at New Delhi, India. Acceptance letter will be issued by the Editorial secretary of the journal

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