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Editorial Board


R K Pachauri
   New Delhi, India.


Nandini Kumar
   TERI University
   New Delhi, India.

Associate Editor

Roshni Sengupta
   New Delhi, India.

Editorial Advisory Board

Dr Tariq Ali

Dr Wolfgang Lutz

    Vice President

    Leader, World Population Program

    Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
    Abu Dhabi, UAE

    International Institute of Applied
    Systems Analysis, Laxenburg,

Prof. Franz von Benda Beckmann

Dr Ruth Meinzen-Dick

    Head, Project Group, Legal Pluralism

    Senior Research Fellow

    Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
    Halle/Saale, Germany

    Environment and Production Technology
    Division, International Food Policy
    Research Institute,
    Washington DC USA

Prof. Kanchan Chopra

Prof. Mohan Munasinghe

    Former Director and Professor,
    Institute of Economic Growth

    Distinguished Visiting Professor of
    Environmental Management

    Delhi, India

    University of Colombo


    Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dr Carlos Corvalan

Prof. Richard B Norgaard

    Coordinator, Interventions for Healthy
    Environments unit World Health

    Professor, Energy and Resources Group
    University of California, Berkeley, USA

    Organization, Geneva 27,



Dr Sara Curran

Dr R K Pachauri

    Associate Professor of International Studies
    and Public Affairs Ph.D.,

    The Energy and Resources Institute

    University of North Carolina,

    New Delhi, India

    Chapel Hill, 1994


Hossam A Gabbar

Dr Tushaar Shah

    Associate Professor and Director of
    Energy Safety & Control Lab,

    Principal Scientist
    International Water Management Institute

    Faculty of Energy Systems and

    Anand, Gujarat, INDIA

    Nuclear Science,


    University of Ontario Institute of

    Technology, Ontario, Canada

Prof. Calestous Juma

Dr Youba Sokona

    Director, Science, Technology, and
    Globalization Project

    Coordinator, Energy Programme,
    ENDA-TM (Environnement et

    Belfer Centre for Science and
    International Affairs

    Developpement du Tiers Monde),
    Dakar, Senegal

    Kennedy School of Government


    Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

Dr Mark J Kaiser

Dr Anil Markandaya

    Professor and Director of the Research &

    Scientific Director, Basque Centre for

    Development Division

    Climate Change, Bilbao Bizkaia, Spain

    Center for Energy Studies,

    Louisiana State University

    Baton Rouge, Louisana USA


Dr Hoesung Lee


    Council on Energy and Environment

    Seoul, Korea

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