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Guide Lines to Authors

The Journal of Plant Disease Sciences is published half yearly accepts paper based on original research in management of diseases and pests with sufficient relevance & primary interest in Plant Pathology, Virology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Biotechnology, Molecular biology etc.


Two copies with CD should be submitted to the Editor- in - Chief along with signature and designation of author(s) on the manuscript on last page. The manuscript should preferably pertain to research work carried out during five years. Authors must certify that the manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. All papers will be refereed; the decision of the editorial board will be final.

Manuscript should be printed in double line space by high quality printer on bond paper (A4 size) with font size 12 with Bookman Old style font. Manuscript should be consisted and devoid of repetition.

A full paper should not exceed 10–12 pages. It contents should be arranged as Title, Authors, Address, Abstract, Key words, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgement, References.

Title: should be short concise and informative with all letters capital and center align.

Author (s): name of author be typed with first letter capital.

Abstract: Should not exceed 200 words and should indicate main findings of the paper with presenting experimental details.

Key words: Should be 4–5 key words with Italic.

Introduction: A short introduction without heading with brief review of literature

Materials and Methods: Should include the name of place, year, and duration of the study, besides experimental design and the technique employed.

Results and Discussion: should be supported by brief but adequate data in tabular or graphical, pictorial form. The discussion should be related to the advantage to the authors. All units should be in metric systems.

Tables: Table should be typed on separate page, it should have a descriptive heading, avoid large table with complex column. Data should be restricted to only one or two decimal figures.

Transformed values should be included only if these are discussed in the text.

Literature cited: literature should be cited in alphabetical order and set out as follows:

Saritha, R.K., V.C. Sinha, S.M.S Tomar and K.D. Srivatava. 2005: Nature of adult plant resistance in some Triticum timopheevi derivatives to pathotype 121R63-1 of leaf rust. Indian Phytopath 58(2): 129-135.

Saharan, O.S. 1991: Assessment oflosses, epidemiology and management of black spot disease of rapeseed-mustard. GCIRC VIII Int. Rapeseed congr. Vol. 2:465-470.

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