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Editorial Board

Editorial Advisory Board

Dr. Jivendra Jha,
     President, AARO and Managing Director, Nepal Electricity Authority, Kathmandu, Nepal

Shri A.K. Mishra,
     Managing Director, Mangdechhu HE Project Authority, Bhutan

Shri S.D. Dubey,
     Chief Engineer (E&M), PHPA, Bhutan

Dr. S.N. Misra,
     Secretary, Nepal National Committee, AARO, Nepal

Shri R.C. Gupta,
     Vice President, Desein Pvt. Ltd., Delhi

Editor in Chief

Shri V.K. Kanjlia,
     Secretary General, AARO & Secretary, CBIP

Associate Editors

Shri P.P. Wahi,
     Director, CBIP

S.K. Batra,
     Sr. Manager, CBIP

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