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International Journal of Marketing and Technology
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-2 (February)
Online ISSN : 2248-1058

Table of contents

Current status and strategies of Electronic waste management in Bangladesh
Md. Ziaul Haque, Mohammad Rezaul Karim, Mohammad Sarwar Hossain Islam

Obstacles to information system adoption in higher learning institutions (HLIS) in Dar es Salaam- Tanzania
Dr. George Kanire, Dr. Richard Nyangosi

An empirical investigation of the determinants of deposit money bank's investment in treasury bills in Nigeria (1970–2009)
Chris O Udoka, Roland Anyingang A.

Self consciousness among the atm users of E-banking service
Armin Mahmoudi

Role of banks in financial inclusion process in India
T. Ravikumar

A study of organisational development: exploring the impact of high performing employees through job satisfaction
Dr. Syed Khalid Perwez, S. Mohamed Saleem

Community participation in minimizing leakage: A case study in manas national park
Birinchi Choudhury, Chandan Goswami

Effect of After Sales Services of Cars in Building Customer Loyalty
Mr. Nikhil Monga, Dr. Bhuvnender Chaudhary

Foreign direct investment on India's automobile sector
K. Rajalakshmi, Dr. T. Ramachandran

Store image dimensions: Customers’ perception
Ms. Sangeeta Mohanty

Globalisation: Impact of FII's investment on stock indices, equity and debt markets, market capitalisation of bse and nse and exchange rates of India –(1999–2009)
Dr. Hala Raman

Measuring the women's involvement in purchase making decisions
Atul Kumar

WITHDRAWN: This article has been withdrawn
Shashiraj Teotia, Shashi, Raviraj Teotia

E Commerce in India – The way to shop
Raj Kumar Sharma, Dr. Sambit Kumar Mishra

M-Commerce Challenge Model for Quality control
Amit Yadav, Sumit Bhatnagar, Sanjeev Panwar

FDI and Indian Retail Sector – The Path Ahead
Dr Surender Kumar Gupta


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