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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year 2021, Volume-35, Issue-2 (May-August)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664
Online ISSN : 2456-8716

Table of contents

Who benefits from procurement of crops in India?
A. Narayanamoorthy, R. S. Deshpande

Institutional credit flow in north eastern region: Issues and solutions
Talung Taloh, Vinod Kumar

Synthesis of agribusiness success models under co-operative and private sector in India- a case of dairy industry
Deepak Shah

A temporal price divergence analysis of grapes at wholesale and retail level in Maharashtra
Deepak Shah

Analysis of milk marketing chain in selected states of India
Hemant Sharma, S.S. Kalamkar

Agricultural marketing for marginal farmers -can farmers’ collectives be the solution?
Sangeeta Shroff

Some aspects of agriculture and marketing development in Rajasthan
Hemant Sharma, S.S. Burark

Diversification and determinants of income sources among agricultural households in south coastal region of Andhra Pradesh state
M. Areef, Y. Radha, V.S. Rao, P.V.S. Gopal, K.S.R. Paul, K. Suseela, S. Rajeswari

Some salient features of farm economy, and institutions for increasing farm income
Brajesh Jha

Price forecasting of agricultural products using arima models
Shibanjan Dutta, Suraj Maiti

Impact of market intelligence on farm income in Krishna and scarce rainfall zones of Andhra Pradesh
G. Raghunadha Reddy, B. Meher Gita, Sneha S. Ketali, M. Chandrasekhar Reddy

Biopesticide mediated value chain of vegetables in Himachal Pradesh
S.K Chauhan, Ajay Sood, J.K Sharma, P.C Sharma


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