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World Digital Libraries- An International Journal
Year 2011, Volume-4, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0974-567X
Online ISSN : 0975-7597

Table of contents

A simulation study for a number of simultaneous users of an institutional knowledge repository system
Gayatri Doctor

Carbon footprint of the knowledge industry and ways to reduce it
Prof. Gobinda Chowdhury, Prof. Michael Fraser

Comparison of open source software for digital libraries
Priti Rani Rathour, Ashok Kumar Sahu

Vision 2021 and public libraries: an action plan to allow Bangladesh to go digital
Md Nasiruddin

Education for digital libraries: library management perspective
Elena Macevičiütė

The digital repository of the Swiss Federal Archives: a case study
Jean-Marc Comment

Information search behaviour in the German Education Index
Carola Carstens, Marc Rittberger, Verena Wissel


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