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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year 2021, Volume-35, Issue-1 (January-April)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664
Online ISSN : 2456-8716

Table of contents

Research Article

Transformation of Indian agriculture: Role of marketing and food systemes
S. Mahendra Dev

A comparative economy of land tenancy in India empirical evidence from four states
Parmod Kumar


Marketing of Forest Produce by Tribal Communities

A theoretical explanation for variations in the money value of ntfp and it's purchasing power under different market conditions: With reference to farhabad tiger reserve, Telengana state
B. Nageswara Rao

Need of modernization of haats for forests produce
Hemlata Pandey

The economic contribution of forest resources to the tribal communities in Odisha: A study of two villages in Rayagada distric
Prasanta Kumar Das

Marketing of lac and constraints involved: Evidence from Ranchi district in Jharkhand
Manjisha Sinha, N. Vani, S. Rajeswari, S.R Koteswara Rao, G. Mohan Naidu


Marketing Models for Agricultural Produce in Vogue and Their Impact on Farm Economy

Study on collective livestock fodder marketing model in aroli village of Nagpur district of Maharashtra
S.S. Kalamkar, Hemant Sharma, V.G. Atkare

Product-clusters, export promotion, and agricultural growth: A partial assessment of India's relative competitiveness in light of the agricultural export policy 2018
S.J. Balaji

Role of institutions in augmenting famers income-Case studies in India
S.B. Ramya Lakshmi, K.C. Gummagolmath, Ashwini S. Darekar

Agricultural marketing practices in West Bengal with special reference to potato-A critical review
Kishan Agarwalla, Kanak Kanti Bagchi


Agricultural Credit and Produce Marketing in U.P: Issues and Challenges

Growth and issues in agricultural credit with special reference to Uttar Pradesh: A district level analysis
Vinod Kumar

Agricultural produces, marketingand supportive mechanism: A study in aspirational districts of Telangana
Sunkari Satyam

Effectiveness of minimum support price policy for wheat : A study of the bimaru states of India
Anushka Singh

Price dynamics and market integration of wheat markets in Uttar Pradesh
Sonali Katoch, Rakesh Singh

Agricultural credit and produce marketing in Uttar Pradesh: Challenges and way forward
A.K. Sharma, Brahmprakash, L.S. Gangwar, Rakesh K Singh, A.D. Pathak

Quality jaggery production and its marketing forenhancing sugarcane farmers' income in Uttar Pradesh-Issues and challenges
L.S. Gangwar, Brahm Prakash, A.K Sharma, Kamini Singh, A.D. Pathak


Tribal women perspectives: An empirical analysis of their role in local economy
Archana Sinha

Income pattern of ntfp in Nandurbar district of Maharashtra
M.S. Jadhav, S.D. Sapkal, D.B. Yadhav

Need of modernization of haats for forests produce
Hemlata Pandey

Production and marketing of green chilli crop in Sivagangai district of Tamil Nadu
N. Devika, P. Jothi, C. Renuka, R. Suresh

A case study ntfp from Nagpur, Maharashtra
H M B Murthy, M.V. Ashok

Trends in arrival and prices of major agricultural commodities in apmc Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
Isha Sharma, Shailja Kumari

Production and export performance of Mango in Karnataka
K. T. Sandeep

Analytics of agriculture credit-output nexus and human development in India
Hebatallah Adam, D. K. Yadav, Firdous Ahmad Malik

Backward and forward marketing patterns, hurdles and resultant net negative returns for agricultural produce by the farmers’ suicides affected victim’s households from Maharashtra
Dnyandev C. Talule

Fish seed supply, fish production and fish marketing in Uttar Pradesh
A.D. Upadhyay

Agriculture credit and produce marketing in Uttar Pradesh: Issues and challenges
Jitendra Jatav

Role of agricultural credit in Indian Agricultural Development
Sukriti Pandey, D.K Yadav

Study of market arrivals and price behaviour of Potato in selected markets of Uttar Pradesh
Jyoti Chaudhary, H.P. Singh


Recommendations of the 34th national conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) on Agricultural Marketing held on 17th, 18th and 19th March, 2021 organized jointly with the B.B. Ambedkar University at Kucknow


Dr Tajamul Haque: A Great Champion of Poor and Downtrodden
Dr. P K Joshi


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