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Year : 2011, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 5) Last page : ( 8)
Print ISSN : 0972-5687. Online ISSN : 0974-083X. Published online : 2011 June 1.

Effect of Vision 2015 on Forensic Medicine


Vision 2015 has been formulated by the committee formed by MCI for suggesting changes in the curriculum and structure of undergraduate study i.e. MBBS. There has been a hue and cry in the medical fraternity about the various changes suggested by the committee. A critical review of Vision 2015 is being offered to suggest how it is going to affect the specialty of forensic medicine and the faculty of forensic medicine. This paper also highlights the imbalances it will produce in the knowledge of a medical graduate produced under the new vision. This vision as visualized is also going to affect the society in a harmful way. Already there are poor medicolegal services in India and this new vision is further going to jeopardize the delivery of medicolegal services throughout the country. The whole change is not beneficial to any member of the society except possibly the defence pleaders as there will be one benefit that it will lead to more acquittal of the criminals!Some recommendations have been given for the revision of vision 2015.



MCI, Vision 2015, forensic medicine, medicolegal services.



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