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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1329) Last page : ( 1334)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2017.00519.8

Iot Patient Health Monitoring System

Rani Shola Usha1, Ignatious Antony2, Hari Bhava Vyasa2, Balavishnu V J2

1[AP (Sr)], SCSE, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai Campus, Chennai, India

2Student, SCSE, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai Campus, Chennai, India

Online published on 16 January, 2018.


The increased use of mobile technologies and smart devices in the health zone has brought on extraordinary effect on the world's critical care. Health specialists and doctors are using these technologies to create critical change in medicinal services during clinical settings. Likewise, many users are being served from the upsides of the M-Health (Mobile Health) applications and E-Health (social insurance upheld by ICT) to enhance, help and assist their well-being. The Internet of things is progressively permitting to coordinate gadgets fit for associating with the Internet and give data on the condition of health of patients and give data continuously to specialists who help. The main aim of this ‘Patient Monitoring System’ is to build up a system fit for observing vital body signs, for example, body temperature, heart rate, pulse oximetry. The System is additionally equipped for fall detection and sleep pattern analysis. To accomplish this, the system involves many sensors to screen fundamental signs that can be interfaced to the doctor's mobile or the web. The gadget will exchange the readings from the sensor to cloud remotely and the information gathered will be accessible for analysis progressively. It has the capacity of reading and transmitting emergency signs to the cloud and then to doctor's web portal or to Doctor's Smartphone. These readings can be utilized to recognize the health state of the patient and as an alert system against the emergency health condition.



IOT, Raspberry pi, AWT cloud, Patient Monitoring.


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