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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1235) Last page : ( 1241)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2017.00504.6

Solar Powered Smart Surveillance System Enhanced with Wi-Fi technology by Using Raspberry Pi

Santhosh V.1, kumar Rajnish1, Rajalakshmi M.2

1UG Students, EEE Department, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai

2Assistant Professor, EEE Department, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha University, Chennai

Online published on 16 January, 2018.


This paper deals with the inventive surveillance tracking system the use of distinct strategies. This technique increases the usage of mobile technology to provide an essential safety to industry, our houses and other manipulate utility. Net generation offers a terrific way for us to increase an included computing community environment for the application of various robot systems. To prevent such incidents, presenting a smart surveillance machine more desirable with WI-if generation. The LINUX operating gadget is used to lessen the hardware additives. The idea of net-based entire robots is the new generation, and it does no longer have the restrictions of the variety of operation. On the identical time, the need to examine more and more human beings, locations, and connected with a desire to pull out of things more useful data from the video information, the unfold of using embedded systems is motivating the new demands talents and capability. In such instances, we may additionally use the proposed robot gadget whose running based on Raspberry Pi, in case want to move into the one's regions and provide us with the data within the shape of stay videos of that places. While a person enters such notably secured situations, the digital camera installed on the robotic will keep on shooting the videos from the environment to keep a file of the information about the incident passed off, and this is ready to be had to the person and most efficient the authenticated customers can see the recorded data. It can additionally find the number of persons positioned with the help of the Infrared sensor. This system is proposed with the assist of low fee PIR sensor and smoke sensor to hint out the intruders and to hit upon the hearth accident. The webcam will capture live data in the surroundings and transmit the live video to the social network through WI-FI. Simultaneously, the buzzer alerts the nearby neighbours. The system also consists of sprayer sprays the chloroform liquid on the intruders and sprinkler discharges water when the effect of the fire has been detected. This review paper offers an unusual technique closer to surveillance gadget. In this project, the robot will work with both battery and solar energy



Raspberry PI, SOLAR POWERED, SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, PIR sensor, Web camera, ……etc.


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