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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 534) Last page : ( 536)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2017.00271.6

Hydroxyl Radical Rinse Water Technology using Ozone Ultasonic and Ultraviolet Oxidation Process

Dhanakodi P1, Jayendran M2

1Research Scholar, Department of Chemistry, AMET University, Chennai

2Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Govt. Arts College, Coimbatore

Online published on 24 October, 2017.


The exact instruments, for example, incorporated circuit and semiconductor is effortlessly tainted. The contaminants that are connected to the instrument, for example, oil, metals and natural are generally cleaned by synthetic fluid reagents. Be that as it may, they cause water optional contamination and need a considerable measure of cost. By and by objective of the audit is that ideal the contaminants by hydroxyl radical. However, the hydroxyl radical is routinely conveyed by the reaction of split up ozone. Hydrogen peroxide or splendid light is used for deterioration of the split up ozone. Nevertheless, the radical creation adequacy of the common system is not high. Subsequently, a high-capability hydroxyl radical era procedure is longed for. In light of this need, new development of the hydroxyl radical which be made by ozone-water, brilliant, MHz ultrasonic and TiO2 was delivered.



Hydroxyl Radical, Rinse Water, Tio2 Nano Tube, Ultraviolet Irradiation, Mhz Ultrasonic.


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