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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 11
First page : ( 4759) Last page : ( 4761)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Perceived Constraints and Opined Suggestions for Better Performance of ATMA: An Explorative Study of Common Interest Groups Under ATMA, Andhra Pradesh

Neelam Hema Sarat Chandra1,*, Kadian K.S.2

1Division of Dairy Extension, NDRI, Karnal, Haryana

2Dairy Extension Division, NDRI, Karnal

*Email: sarathchandra.neelam@gmail.com

Online published on 2 January, 2017.


In India Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) trying to converge various extension service providing agencies, research institutes, NGOs, and other such agencies at district level with the farming community. The need of farmers’ organization has grown importance in this connection. Recognizing the importance of the group led extension approach ATMA has developed several common interest groups and strengthening the existing groups by several ways. In this study attempt has been made to identify such groups and presenttheir perception about the constraints faced along with the suggestions opined by them about group led extension by ATMA. This study was conducted in Andhra Pradesh state; three districts were taken into consideration for the data collection. Six common interest groups were identified and all members were interviewed for the purpose. Total 121 respondents opined their views; which are systematically analysed and presented in this paper.



ATMA, Convergence, Constraints and suggestions, Common interest groups, Farmer interest groups.


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