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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 6
First page : ( 2432) Last page : ( 2438)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of Azospirllum Grown in Modified Spentwash on Tomato

Malarvizhi C.*, Subramanian P.

Department of Environmental Sciences, TNAU, Coimbatore-641 003

*Email: malar.238@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Distillery is one of the promising industries in India and in recent years its growth is phenomenal which besides alcohol production, generates enormous quantity of spentwash annually. It is also a very good source of readily available major and micronutrients. Recently, the presence of appreciable quantities of plant growth promoting substances viz., Gibberellic acid and Indole acetic acid have also been detected which further enhance the nutrient value of spentwash. Now an attempt has been made to modify the distillery spentwash to support the beneficial microorganism growth. The growth of Azospirillum inmodified spentwash was confirmed by biochemical tests. An experiment was conducted to find out the effect of Azospirillum grown modified spentwash on Tomato crop. Five different treatment methods were adopted experiment as treatments, viz., Control (no application of Azospirillum), Seed treatment, seed treatment with root dipping, Seed treatment with foliar application, and combination of seed treatment, root dipping and foliar application in the study. The growth and yield contributing characters were significantly differed due to Azospirillum sp. grown in modified spentwash application. Observations showed that significantly high performance in tomato plant height (121 cm), No. of. branches (20.5nos), Physiological parameters and Quality parameters (4.25 and 0.51 per cent of total soluble salts and titrable acidity content, 27.32 and 4.83 mg g−1 of ascorbic acid and Lycopene content) were found in Azospirillum sp. grown modified spentwash application and the minimum for all the parameters were found in control treatment.



Plant growth regulators, Modified spentwash, Indole acetic acid, Azospirillum sp, Seed treatment, Root dipping, Foliar spray.


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