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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 11
First page : ( 4711) Last page : ( 4715)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Studies on Influence of Zinc and Iron on Growth, Flowering, Yield and Quality of Annual Chrysanthemum

Tayade B.B., Mahadik M.K.*, Jadhav J.G.

Horticulture section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur-440010, (M.S.), India

*email: mandar.725@gmail.com

Online published on 2 January, 2017.


A field experiment was conducted at Horticulture Section, College of Agriculture, Nagpur (Maharashtra) India, during 2010–2011. The results of the experiment showed that, significant differences in growth, flowering, yield and quality parameters of annual chrysanthemum due to application of zinc and iron. Plant height, primary branches plant−1, plant spread, days to first flower bud initiation, days to fully opened flower, days to 50% flowering, flowers plants−1, flower yield plant−1 and ha−1, flower diameter, flower weight and longevityof intact flower were recorded significantly higher with application of 0.3% zinc and 0.3% iron. However, the treatment combination of 0.3% zinc along with 0.3% iron resulted in maximum plant height, primary branches, plant spread, flowers plant−1, flower yield plant−1 and ha−1.



zinc, iron, growth, annual chrysanthemum.


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