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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2893) Last page : ( 2898)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Standardization of Process Parameters for Preparation of Peanut Milk

Bhatt K. D., Pandya P. A., Dwivedi D. K., Sojaliya H. R.

Department of Processing and Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh-362001

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


The experiment was conducted to standardize process parameters for preparation of peanut milk considering biochemical (protein, fat and SNF) and sensory characteristic. The Peanut kernels were treated with either of the two treatments for splitting and removal of skin and germ 1. Roasting in sand for three temperatures 100°C, 120°C or 140°C each for three roasting time 5, 10 and 15 minutes or 2 and soaking in Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3)solution of 0.5% concentration for 5 minutes was done. The samples were then cooked at 100°C for 5 and 10 minutes having kernel: water ratios (w: v) as 1: 5, 1: 6 and 1: 7. The cooked samples were ground, filtered, boiledand milk was prepared. Findings revealed that considering biochemical and sensory analysis, the highest quality milk from GG11 variety of peanut kernels can be prepared by roasting the kernel at 120°C for 5 minutes followed by cooking the germless and skinless split kernels with water in the ratio (Kernel: water) of 1: 5 at 100°C for 10 minutes. The fat, SNF and protein for this treatment was found as 8.7%, 6.0% and 5.5% respectively.



Biochemical analysis, Pea nut milk, Process parameters, Roasting, Sensory analysis, soaking.


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