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Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development
Year : 2017, Volume : 8, Issue : 3
First page : ( 364) Last page : ( 368)
Print ISSN : 0976-0245. Online ISSN : 0976-5506.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2017.00217.0

An Epidemiological Study of Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Cases Admitted in a Tertiary Care Hospital-A Retrospective Study

Joshi K P1,*, Parashuramlu1, Robins M2

1Professor, Department of Community Medicine

2Professor & Head of, Department of Community Medicine, SVS Medical College, Mahabubnagar, TS

*Corresponding author: Dr. K.P. Joshi, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, SVS Medical College, Mahabubnagar, TS, email-drkpjoshi76@gmail.com

Online published on 18 July, 2017.



Accidents represents a major modern epidemic of non-communicable diseases in present century. Injuries due to road traffic accidents are observed to be major causes of mortality, morbidity and disability & economic loss in developing countries. India accounts for about 10% of road crash fatalities worldwide. In India fatality due to road traffic accidents is around 20 deaths per 100, 000 population.


1. To estimate the burden of Road traffic accidents cases admitted in emergency department of SVS Hospital over 6 months period.

2. To analyze the factors influencing the accidents.

Materials and Method

Study Design

Retrospective study.

Study Setting

Department of community medicine SVS Medical College & Hospital, Mahabubnagar-Medical Records Department.

Study Period

Data collected over 6 months period (from January 2013 to June 2013)


Medical records of patients admitted with road traffic accidents


All the RTA cases attended emergency department of SVS Hospital.


The total 2040 cases were admitted in emergency department out of it 64.50% (1316) cases were admitted due to road traffic accidents. Out of total RTA cases 1006 (76.40%) were male and 310 (23.60%) were female cases. The mean age of cases was 26.8 (in years). Maximum cases (29.30%) were reported between the age group of 21–30 years followed by 28.40% in 11–20 years age group. Highest accidents 54.90% happened on two wheeler vehicle followed by 4 wheeler vehicle. Bruise/Minor injuries were reported in maximum cases (75.70%) followed by Fractures (12.40%) & injury over head (11.90%) Maximum 44.90% victims reached to hospital for first contact care within one hour. Accidents due to reasons like speed, overtaking, ignorance, etc were reported in maximum cases 93.20%. Alcohol consumption during driving was responsible in 6.80% cases (table 6). The outcome following road traffic accident was complete cure in 63.08% of victims, around 29.02% cases were discharged against medical advice and around 07.82% cases absconded from hospital only one death was reported.



Road Traffic Accidents (RTA), Risk factors, SVS Hospital, MRD departme.


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