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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 9
First page : ( 3793) Last page : ( 3798)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Waywar (Oblong Fruit): A Menacing Fruit Disorder in Nagpur Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)

Jhade R K1,*, Huchche A D2, Ladaniya M S3, Jain P K4

1Department of Horticulture, JNKVV, Jabalpur, M.P.

2Principal Scientist (Hort.), ICAR-CCRI, Nagpur, M.H.

3ICAR-CCRI, Nagpur, M.H.

4University Professor & Head Department of Horticulture, JNKVV, Jabalpur, M.P.

*email: jhaderk49@gmail.com

Online published on 23 December, 2016.


Waywar (literal meaning in Marathi-wasted), a local term for oblong fruit disorder, is being reported for last two decades from the areas lying in the foothills of Satpuda ranges of Paratwada, Morshi and Chandurbazar tehsils of Amravati district and spreading of late in surrounding district Nagpur of Vidarbha region as well as Saunsar and Pandhurna tehsils of Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh. The present investigation was carried out in Citriculture Laboratory of ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra in order to study the occurrence of this order and its effects on different physico-chemical characteristics with respect to normal fruits of Nagpur mandarin in cultivated around Paratwada tehsil of Amravati district, Ladgaon village in Katol tehsil (for Ambia crop) and Ajangaon village in Katol tehsil (for Mrig crop). The study revealed striking differences with respect to shape and size of the fruits in both, Ambia and Mrig crops. Although fruit weights categorised as small, medium and large in both normal and waywar affected fruits remained same, the shape (oblong in waywar affected or oblate in normal), size (in terms of fruit lengthbreadth ratio) and internal quality of the affected and normal fruits varied drastically rendering the waywar affected fruits unmarketable.



Waywar, oblong fruit, red nose fruit, Length Breadth ratio, TSS/Acid ratio, citrus greening disease (CGD).


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