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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 6
First page : ( 2372) Last page : ( 2376)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of Foliar Application of Plant Growth Regulator and Nutrient Complex in Improving the Growth and Yield of Greengram (Vigna Radiata L.)

Srimathi S.*, GOBIKA E.**, Maheswari G. Uma**

*Department of Crop Improvement, TRIARD (Affiliated to TNAU), Perambalur-621115

** PAJANCOA&RI, Karaikal-609603

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


The nutritional management for maximizing yield in pulses is the need of the day to overcome the malnutrition of the people in the developing countries. An attempt was made by conducting the field experiment with plant growth regulator and nutrient in combination as foliar supplementary to improving the morphological characters, total matter production and yield parameters in greengram var. CO 8 at Thanthai Roever Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development, Perambalur during rabi season 2014–15. The combination of DAP(2%)+ KCl (1%) + NAA 40 ppm has influenced the plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, total chlorophyll content, total dry matter production, yield and yield components. The higher total dry matter production had also resulted in efficient translocation of assimilates which lead to higher grain yield (1105.79 Kg ha−1) by way of increased yield components.



Greengram, plant growth regulator, nutrient complex, total dry mater production.


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