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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2844) Last page : ( 2848)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Correlation Study in Ashwagandha [Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal] and Identify Better Genotypes for North Gujarat

Gami R.A.*, Solanki S.D., Patel M.P., Tiwari Kapil, Bhadauria H.S., Kumar Mithlesh

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, C.P. College of Agriculture, S.D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar-385 506, Gujarat

*email: ramangami@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Analysis of association between different characters of 36 different genotypes of ashwagandha suggested that the magnitude of genotypic correlation were higher as compared to their corresponding phenotypic correlations in many cases, indicating the inherent relationship among the characters. Main dry root weight per plant was found tobe positivelycorrelated with stem diameter (rg=0.637, rp= 0.505), main root diameter(rg=0.533, rp=0.509), plant height (rg=0.500, rp=0.381), days to maturity (rg=0.191, rp=0.065), main root length (rg=0.083, rp=0.149) and days to flowering (rg=0.009, rp=0.054) indicating these attributes were mainly influencing the dry root yield in ashwagandha. Total alkaloid content had positive correlated with days to flowering (rg=0.308, rp=0.283), days to maturity (rg=0.217, rp=0.195), plant height (rg=0.189, rp=0.163), number of branches per plant (rg=0.249, rp=0.078) and total withanolides content (rg=0.242, rp=0.135). Thus these are an important trait for improving alkaloid content through both genotypic and phenotypic level of selection in ashwagandha.



Withania somnifera, genotypic correlation and phenotypic correlations.


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