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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 6
First page : ( 801) Last page : ( 814)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Merchandising; technique efficace dans la gestion d'une bibliotheque

Lambert Mutebwa Kudia Kuteka

Assistant à l'ISS/L'shi

Online published on 27 September, 2019.


The purpose of this study is to discuss how Merchandising can be an effective technique in library management.

Nowadays, there are several libraries, and these are demonstrating on the market a competition, from which librarians must look for the best ways to develop, Marketing techniques to differentiate themselves as much as possible from their competitors and on the other hand to influence the behavior of people who frequent a library on a regular basis.

In the case of our study, the classification of books (books) in order, according to the categories, the years and the field of publication interests us all the more as the psychology of the consumer is influenced.

Since merchandising is a product presentation and point-of-sale development technique designed to maximize purchasing, it allows a great deal of influence on consumer behavior that can lead to satisfaction.

It is also the set of strategies and market techniques to optimize the daily meeting between a product (or service) and a customer in a sales area (physical or online). Indeed, to solve our problem, we were forced to go down to the ground to allow us to better understand the concern raised through the results of statistical surveys submitted to interpretation.

So, we decided to conduct our study with the students of the Higher Institute of Statistics of Lubumbashi who regularly attend our library than with other independent researchers, since the impact of Merchandising is the appreciation of some students who give their positive or negative criticism in all transparency and freedom.

The library today faces multiple challenges, technological progress; especially in telecommunications, brought men together, contributing to the globalization of markets.

Success depends on a good understanding of market needs and expectations, which is why marketing has become a reality.

It finds its origin in the existence of the needs and desires of the human being.

Since many products can meet the same need, the choice of the consumer involves the notions of value, cost and satisfaction. Today, all libraries want to be consumer oriented, understanding that their task is not to manage or store only the books but also relationships.

They realize little by little that their roles do not stop once the independent researchers, lovers of reading consults their libraries but must maintain and strengthen the loyalty by striving to keep satisfied consumers.

This is why the foundation of Merchandising is a marketing application that respects the four KEPPNER rules:

-Good product: adaptation to the catchment area.

-Good place: bringing consumers together.

-Good moment: pay attention to psychological prices, respect of seasonality.

-Good price: pay attention to the psychological price.



Merchandising, efficient technique, management, library.



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