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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2818) Last page : ( 2823)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of Growth Regulators, Bio fertilizer and scarification on Germination and Seedling Growth of Tamarind

Sharma D. K.*

Agriculture Experimental Station, (Navsari Agricultural University), Paria, Ta. Pardi, Dist. Valsad-396145, Gujarat

*email: dksharma@nau.in

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


The seeds of tamarind were subjected to pre-sowing treatments with GA3 (200 and 300 ppm), NAA (200 and 300 ppm), KNO3 (1 and 2 per cent), scarification like mechanical scarification and acid scarification. Seeds were also soaked in cow urine 5% and distilled water as control for 24 hours. Germination and seedling growth parameters at definite intervals were recorded to find out the effect of these treatments on germination of tamarind seed. Increase in germination percentage (97.26%), rate of germination (1.70) and decrease in number of days taken (5.3 days) for initiation of germination was noticed in seeds subjected to GA3 200 ppm treatment. The maximum plant height (40.8cm), seedling girth (1.99 cm), number of leaves (48.6), fresh and dry weight of shoots (23.66 g and 8.32g, respectively), fresh and dry weight of roots (7.90 g and 4.60g, respectively) and vigour index (7679.75) was recorded with treatment of GA3 200 ppm at 150 days after sowing. The root stocks were also attains graftable size in minimum days (155.49).



Tamarind, Germination, GA3, NAA, KNO3, Vigour index, Scarification.


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