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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2787) Last page : ( 2790)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Screeningof Linseed Genotypes for Seed Yield Against Alternaria Blight and Budfly

Prasad B. Hari Vara1, Manapure P.R.2

1Botany section, College of agriculture, Nagpur

2AICRP on Linseed, College of Agriculture, Nagpur

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


An investigation on screening for diseases like alternaria blight and pests like budfly in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) was undertaken during 2012–13 at All India Coordinated Research Project on Linseed, Dr. P. D. K.V, Nagpur, with thirty two hybrids produced by line × tester mating design with eight lines viz A-95B, EC-1392, EC-1424, IC-15888, GS-234, JRF-4, JRF-5, F-14 and four testers viz NL-97, PKVNL-260, Padmini, Neelum. Parent's padmini, JRF-5, GS-234 and NL-97 and crosses GS234 x padmini, EC-1424 x padmini, JRF-4 x PKV-NL260 and JRF-4 x padmini were showed low alternaria blight infestation with less than 10%. The parents exhibiting greater degree of resistance to budfly which shows less infestation were JRF-4, JRF-5, IC15888 and F-14(6.45). The lines like GS-234, NL-97 and crosses GS-234 x padmini, GS-234 x NL-97 showed high seed yield also with resistance to pest and disease. Selection of crosses with significant seed yield and low disease and pest reaction will help to isolate superior segregants.



Screening, Linseed Genotypes, Seed Yield, Alternaria Blight, Budfly.


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