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Agricultural Economics Research Review
Year : 2022, Volume : 35, Issue : conf
First page : ( 185) Last page : ( 185)
Print ISSN : 0971-3441. Online ISSN : 0974-0279.

Food security scenario of Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh: Status, issues and policy implications

Shaheen Farhet A*, Wani Shabir A

School of Agricultural Economics & Horti-Business Management, SKUAST-K, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

*Corresponding author: fashaheen@rediffmail.com

Online published on 24 March, 2023.


Over the past three decades, India’s agriculture sector diversified significantly, introducing new crops and varieties along with newer enterprises and opportunities for farmers and farm sector. Despite growth and prosperity due to diversification, food-grain field crops are still looked upon as the pillar for the food security of the nation. A number of initiatives under different programs were taken by the two farm universities for breeding new varieties of cereals, pulses and field crops besides horticultural fruit and vegetables to cater the growing demand of food and livelihood security of the UT of Jammu & Kashmir. These varieties have improved yield traits and having durable resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses. In the climate of uncertainty, there is a need to re-visit the issue of food security from regional perspective in order to build synergies across the food production chain. The issue becomes more important when we face supply chain disruptions due to geo-politico-climatic and pandemic incidences. Policy strategies for realizing the real varietal impact of improved varieties through putting an effective seed supply chain management and also fixing other issues will be useful to policy planners, practitioners and development agencies working in the domain of food production and its distribution for achieving the regional food security.


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