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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 11
First page : ( 4582) Last page : ( 4585)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Effect of Paclobutrazol on Growth and Yield of Grape Cv. Thompson Seedless

Sable P. A., Kulkarni S. S, Magar S. D.

Department of Horticulture, MPKV, Rahuri, Tal-Rahuri, Dist-Ahmednagar, MS

Online published on 2 January, 2017.


Two seasonal studies (2013–14 and 2014–15) were conducted at AICRP, Fruit, Department of Horticulture, MPKV. In first season, the maximum total pruning weight per vine (4.856 Kg), length of cane after backward and forward pruning and number of internodes per cane were recorded in T1 (Paclobutrazol @ 0.25 g. a. i./vine). Higher average internodal length in first season was recorded in the treatment T7 (Sub cane + 6 BA (10 ppm) + Uracil 50 ppm), whereas, the minimum total pruning weight (1.618 Kg) per vine, minimum length of cane after backward and forward pruning, number of internodes per cane, average internodal length were recorded in T5 (1.25 g. a. i). In second season, the maximum total pruning weight per vine (4.062 Kg), length of cane in after backward and forward pruning, number of internodes per cane were recorded in T1 (0.25 g. a. i.). The maximum average internodal length after backward and forward pruning were recorded in T7 (Sub cane + 6BA (10 ppm) + Uracil (50 ppm), while, it was minimum in T5, whereas, the minimum total pruning weight (1.169 Kg) was recorded in T4 (1.00 g. a. i.) and the minimum cane length after backward and forward pruning, number of internodes per cane, average internodal length were recorded in T5. In both the seasons the maximum yield was recorded in the treatment T7 (Sub cane + 6BA (10 ppm) + Uracil 50 ppm) and was followedby T6 (Sub cane or 7/5), whereas, the significantly minimum yield was recorded in the treatment T5 (1.25 g. a. i). In second season's paclobutrazol treated vines offseason bearing habit was observed.



Grape, paclobutrazol, 6 BA and Uracil.


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