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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 7
First page : ( 2766) Last page : ( 2770)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Evaluation of New Restorer Inbreds for Combining Ability in Sunflower

Chandirakala R., Premnath Ameena, Manivannan N.*

Dept. of Oilseeds, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

*email: nmvannan@gmail.com

Online published on 15 December, 2016.


Forty eight new restorer inbreds developed through breeding programme and three existing inbreds were crossed with four cms lines viz., 234 A, COSF 1A, COSF 6A and COSF 7A. The estimated genetic components indicate that all the observed characters are under the control of non additive gene action. Hence heterosis breeding is the appropriate method to improve the traits. Among lines, 24-5-1 (L20) alone has good combining ability for all three traits viz., days to 50% flowering, volume weight (g/100 ml) and seed yield (g/plant). Line 24-5-4 (L22) and tester COSF 1A (T2) for two traits which include seed yield (g/plant). Considering the performance for all the three traits, it may be concluded that lines 4-2-4 (L4), 11-2-3 (L10), 24-1-3 (L15), 24-3-2 (L17), 24–51 (L20), 24-5-4 (L22) and 26-1-3 (L25) and testers COSF 1A (T2) may be utilized in heterosis breeding programme. Hybrids, viz., 32-1-2 x COSF 7A (L44 x T4), 12-1-5 x COSF 1A (L13 x T2) and 32-1-2 x COSF 1A (L44x T2) may be considered as desirable hybrids for seed yield.



Sunflower, combining ability, seed yield, heterosis.


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