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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 5
First page : ( 578) Last page : ( 590)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.

Empowerment of Organizational Knowledge Workers through Knowledge Strategies in National Iranian Petrochemical Products Industry

Nazarpoori Amir Hooshanga, Nejad Seyyed Hadi Mousavib, Karimi Abolghasemb

aAssistant Professor, Business Management, Lorestan University, Iran

bMaster Student, Business Management, Lorestan University, Iran

Online published on 7 May, 2014.


Present paper aims at studying and identifying aspects of knowledge strategy against employees’ empowerment as well as comparing and rating the relationship between both variables in Lorestan Petrochemical Company. It is a descriptive survey – type study conducted by a field study. Its population consists of all employees (300) of Lorestan Petrochemical Company and 111 were selected as research sample. Questionnaire is the used tool to gather data. Content validity of research tools is confirmed by factor analysis, theoretical basics and elites’ opinions. Also, reliability is calculated by Cronbach's α value. To test research hypotheses, factor analysis technique and structural equation modelling are used. Research finding indicate that knowledge strategy impacts on employees’ empowerment (0.81) positively and significantly. Additionally, findings show that knowledge strategy has a positive and significant association with explicit variables of empowerment.



Knowledge Strategy, Employees’ Empowerment, knowledge workers.



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