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BIOINFOLET - A Quarterly Journal of Life Sciences
Year : 2020, Volume : 17, Issue : 4b
First page : ( 678) Last page : ( 681)
Print ISSN : 0973-1431. Online ISSN : 0976-4755.

Anatomical study on stem and leaf of Mentha Spicata linn

Patil Madhuri S., Mahajan Himani V., Chaudhari Smita S.

Dept. of Botany, Dr. A. G. D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon

Online published on 22 January, 2021.


Anatomical study of leaf, petiole and stem of Mentha spicata Linn. (Family : Lamiaceae ) was undertaken. The T.S. of stem was quadrangular. Leaves were bifacial with upper and lower epidermis and single large saucer shaped vascular bundle. Petiole was with obtuse margin and single large arc shaped vascular bundle in the middle. Small rudimentary vascular bundles at each corner were also found.



Mentha spicata Linn, Medicinal Plant, Anatomy, Leaf, Petiole, Stem.



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