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BIOINFOLET - A Quarterly Journal of Life Sciences
Year : 2020, Volume : 17, Issue : 4b
First page : ( 662) Last page : ( 664)
Print ISSN : 0973-1431. Online ISSN : 0976-4755.

Two algal taxa of genus Vaucheria de candolle (xanthophyceae) from Satpuda hills of north Maharashtra, India

Chaudhari N. A., Kumawat D. A., Jawale A. K., Magar S. P.

Research Centre, Department of Botany, Dhanaji Nana Mahavidyalaya, Faizpur, 425503

Online published on 22 January, 2021.


The authors came across two taxa of Vaucheria, namely Vaucheria ornithocephala f. polysperma Heering and V. geminata var. verticillata (Kuetz.) Rabenhorst., which were collected from Satpuda ranges, in between the villages Jamnya and Gadrya of Raver tehsil, District Jalgaon. Both of them were growing luxuriantly in fresh water forming extensive light green mat on the surface. Both taxa were collected for the first time from Maharashtra and described in present communication. Both taxa are described with notes on their distribution and occurrence.



Algae, Vaucheria, Xanthophyceae, Fresh water, North Maharashtra.


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