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Advances in Life Sciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 5, Issue : 11
First page : ( 4527) Last page : ( 4529)
Print ISSN : 2278-3849. Online ISSN : 2278-4705.

Economics of Pigeonpea Genotypes Intercropped with Sorghum Under South Gujarat Condition

Gamit V. N.*, Patel M. M., Prajapati B. J., Kumar Dinesh

Department of Agronomy, N.M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396450, India

*email: gamitviral69@gmail.com

Online published on 2 January, 2017.


Anexperiment wasconducted during kharif season of 2013 to study the pigeonpea genotypes for intercropping with sorghum under south Gujarat condition. The highest grain yield (3155 kg ha−1) and stover yield (13456 kg ha−1) of sorghum were recorded under sole sorghum. While, highest seed yield (1480 kg ha−1) of pigeonpea were recorded under sole pegionpea var. Vaishali. Maximum gross returns of 89546 Rs ha−1, net returns of 67011 Rs ha−1, and Benefit Cost Ratio (2.97) was secured with sorghum intercropped with pigeonpea genotype Vaishali (T1). Hence, intercropping of sorghum with pigeonpea var Vaishali in 1: 2 ratio is recommended as it secured higher benefits.



Intercropping, Pigeonpea and Sorghum.


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