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Year : 2018, Volume : 14, Issue : 1
First page : ( 195) Last page : ( 199)
Print ISSN : 2230-9047. Online ISSN : 2231-6736. Published online : 2018  1.

Awareness regarding fuel conservation to motivate rural women regarding adoption of solar cooker at household level

Sharma Anjuly*,1, Tanwar P.S1

1KVK, Barnala-GADVASU, Ludhiana, Punjab

*Corresponding author email id: anjuly1392@pau.edu

Received:  00  November,  2018; :  00  February,  2019.


The Energy scenario in India is complex and facing many problems. Every state is passing through energy crisis at some point of time in every year. The demand for energy is increasing day to day with the increase in population. It is anticipated that the deficit between demand and supply of energy is going to be 10–15 percent in the next 10 year period. The present energy resources and the finances are not sufficient to meet the demand. One of the ways of bridging this gap is the use and application of renewable energy source/technologies especially solar appliances at home and field. A solar cooker is the simplest technology which has been developed for cooking the food without requiring any conventional fuels. Several advantages over solar cooker has been claimed such as no smoke emission, no soot deposition in the cooking utensils, retains nutrients, environment friendly and conserves precious conventional resources of the country. Today as an outcome of the concentrated work of the solar activists several types of solar cookers have been developed and disseminated. Continuous effort on a large scale by government, universities and voluntary agencies is the need of the hour to promote solar cooking among the people. The public should shed their inhibition, traditional habits and cultural practices and come forward to adopt this simple technology.



Adoption, Awareness, Fuel conservation, Household, Motivate, Solar cooker, Women.



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